Your Daily Dose of Reality

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Just Life.

This Blog is going to be another thing I am dedicating myself to do. I see so many things in movies that wouldn't happen in real life, and this is dedicated to putting the actual, "real life" spin on those things. Nothing Hollywood. Nothing Outrageous. Nothing Staged. Everything as it would happen. The uncut, the cold, the bitter, and the beautiful; Truth. I hate how Hollywood manipulates the human mind into thinking things, and we are all guilty of thinking, "well what if this happens like it did in the movies..."... come on, now your probably thinking about a relationship, you know at one point or another you have thought about something like a car accident, and all this big dramatic stuff that you would only see on Tv. We're all guilty, I for one, who would like to think I'm not, know I am. So this is not going to be something for the faint of heart, and not going to be something where "By chance" something happens.... This is cut, dry, cold, and selfish... but hey, so is life.


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